but neither should have happened.
so here i am. because the world definitely needs a prayer tonight.
the rain in DC proves it.
maybe it rains when so many people need to cry but can't.
it's raining.
one of my brothers lost his mom.
one of my friends may lose his.
and a good friend is losing his will to hang on for whatever may come next.
so this prayer is to them - and to those who feel it:
dear god:
darkness isn't so unfamiliar anymore. and when it's over, as you've shown me over and over, there is sunshine & song & birds.
birds that delight in the sunshine when the rain ends. shouldn't we be able to smile just as bright & sing just as loud, delighting in whatever sunshine it is we have?
so god, i'm praying for sunshine - however you're giving it. however bright or dim. just a piece of light through a cloud will do.
so i listen to the rain, smile, and hang on - because SOMETHING is coming next.
prayer requests:
dennis karl brown, jr.
my cousin