today is one of those days when too many people get lost in the the thought of what's coming for them tomorrow.
lost in their stories and boastings about how much money they've spent and how they wish they hadn't brought so much. this prayer is not for those folks, then.
this prayer, sadly enough, is for those who probably won't read it. those who lay their heads on slabs of concrete or cardboard boxes, contemplating what soup kitchen to attend tomorrow. those who feel abandoned by any holiday's spirit.
the forgotten ones.
because they may not get to a computer, how about you tell them this story for me.
the story of a little girl:
there was an article in a newspaper a few years back about a little girl that went fishing with her father.
they went down a few hills to the river because that's where the best fish were, her father told her.
not too long after casting his line into the water, his pole broke. realizing he left his tool box in the car, he told his daughter to wait there for him. "do not go anywhere, baby. okay? I'll be back," he said.
"you promise," she asked in her 7-year-old voice.
"i promise."
he fetched his toolbox.
the problem is: when he returned to the river, his daughter was gone. but where?
she hadn't come up the hill because he would have seen her.
oh my god, she must have gone into the water.
search and rescue was called.
after a 4 hour search, the team spotted the little girl in the water, holding tightly to a branch, whistling as though there was nothing to worry about.
they grabbed her!
it was a miracle, they said.
a 7-year-old girl getting swept away by a strong current, found alive a mile down stream doesn't happen, they said.
so they asked her: how did you know to hold on to that branch? weren't you scared when you got taken away by that water?
she replied:
no. my father promised me he was coming back for me, and when he makes a promise, he means it.
so this is my prayer for the day: (say it silently or aloud)
dear God:
i will not allow the rivers that attempt to drown me to become stronger than your love for me.
i know i have not been forgotten. when the currents get too strong, i will find the closest branch - and hold on tight, and wait.
i will see you soon.
prayer requests made by:
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