2009 is leaving & taking with it a bunch of names - those who left this foundation for a greater one.
and it's leaving so many of us questioning our health - our happiness - our goals & definitely our paths.
and here i am telling the masses: death is not to be feared. what we should fear is dying but leaving nothing behind.
what do we do now that we know for certain that death can come at anytime?
we don't FOCUS on death. we FOCUS on life!
we focus on what we need to do to make sure that dash between birth and death means something to all those who will share stories about us in barbershops and beauty salons - in classrooms and family reunions.
so what do we pray for?
we pray for an eagle eye.
we need to focus on what it is we really want to say (verbally, physically, with our hearts) - then we attack (we SAY it)!
we pray for discipline so that once our eyes are set - we are able to walk that straight path to our goal.
we pray that the path is not too easy because we know that without struggle there is no progress.
we pray to God and tell him 'thank you' for answering these prayers.
and so today i pray: (say it loudly or to yourself):
dear God:
it is was good intentions that i ask for the following:
i ask for focus on this path you've made that i've been paving.
i ask for discipline that my vision does not dim and my intentions do not weaken.
i pray that you remain by my side until all goals are complete, believing in me like i believe in you.
prayer requests received from:
@areee (ari)
poetik badu
and Thank You from (@LadyMystiq)
yes AMEN
thank you again
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