i spent most of the day searching for a flight here & there - not really sure where to go.
my original plan was to be sitting on south beach this weekend, cracking crabs and drinking ruby red grapefruit juice with beautiful people.
but that didn't happen.
i'll find myself in fur-lined hoodies - mobbing the streets of new york.
no big deal.
but my friends are all flying across countries, peeking out of windows at the something much bigger than them.
and i find myself telling them to be the passenger & the pilot.
then the confused look.
"the pilot? why should i be the pilot."
and i tell them they need to be in control at all times.
they need to know what turbulence to expect & when it's safe to move about.
it's the pilot that knows when it's safe to come down for a while and refuel.
and my friends all smile and continue packing.
fresh underwear: √
toothbrush: √
fruit roll-ups: √
condoms (just in case): √
mom's christmas gift: √
and i neglect to tell them the most important part of being a pilot.
but they already know:
always always always stay in touch with the control tower!

so i say this prayer (say it aloud or silently):
dear God:
it is the turbulence in my life that allows me to appreciate the perfect flights.
i do not love you simply because you have lightened my loads and answered my prayers.
i love you because when i need to get in touch with the control tower - the control tower is always there.
clear skies.
today is going to be a perfect flight.
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